Providing support to the LGBTQ+ community in Middle Tennessee.

Find welcoming places close to home.


If you are LGBTQ+ and living in Coffee, Grundy, Franklin, Lincoln, Marion or Moore counties in Tennessee, or Jackson county in Alabama, this website is specifically for you!

Community Organizations

The Cumberland Center for Justice and Peace offers grants for starting Gay/Straight Alliances (GSAs) and Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAGs) in Middle Tennessee. For help starting a community organization, contact the CCJP.


Find LGBTQ+ friendly businesses, mental health professionals, and places of worship.

Our goal is to make life a little easier, so that whether you are looking for a place to eat or to go on a date, you want to make an appointment with a therapist, or find a place to pray, you can know whether it is LGBTQ+ affirming or accepting.

This site is a work of mutual aid. If you would like to report an accepting and affirming business, therapist, psychiatrist, or house of worship in Coffee, Franklin, Grundy, Lincoln, Marion, Moore counties, or Jackson county, AL, or if you’d like to report an error, please contact us. This is not a blacklist: we only feature those whom we could reach and who volunteered to be featured, and we do not imply anything about any other business.